The NEAT way to get fit.

Let’s get NEAT. I am not talking about being neat & tidy, although that may be a great way to up your NEAT levels.👇

Most people think the only way to burn calories is through scheduled exercise sessions. Although exercise is the most effective way to expend calories, there’s another ‘NEAT’ way to burn calories throughout the day. NEAT or ‘Non- Exercise Activity Thermogenesis’ is essentially calories expended outside sleeping, eating or exercising. Simple tasks such as walking, climbing stairs and even rummaging through our closets to find that perfect outfit, helps us expend additional calories. Essentially, NEAT increases metabolic rate and results in energy loss overtime.

Those who have desk jobs and don’t get much movement in their day-to-day lives, have significantly lower levels of NEAT. It is important for these people to insert ‘NEAT’ into their workdays. Some ideas include walking to work; taking the stairs; working on standing desks, hold ‘walking meetings’ … you get the gist.

It is essential to understand that while exercise does account for calorie expenditure, it may not necessarily be enough if THAT is the only 30-40 mins/ day you are moving. If you are looking to boost your metabolism, increasing NEAT levels is the way to go. NEAT can boost daily calorie expenditure by about 10-15%.

My favourite way to up my NEAT is, walking Fydo (my first born a.k.a my dog)😊

Some ways to increase NEAT are:

As you can see, the options are endless. Our bodies are made to move. The higher our levels of NEAT, the better our metabolism. Now, let’s also be mindful that there are many other ways to be at a calorie deficit, if that is the goal. However, if we can boost our metabolism throughout the day then it's a win-win all round. So, let’s get creative, let’s get moving, let’s get NEAT.