Is there a constant battle in your mind with food? Do you find yourself negotiating every time you eat a piece of bread or dig into a bowl of nachos?

I have been there and I have done that so many times. Here is what I have learnt from that experience. It didn’t matter what my goal was, be it weight loss, mass gain, strength etc, I could never maintain the achievement. I say achievement because I would attain the goal but I could never sustain it. I couldn’t sustain it because my relationship with food was a constant battle. I always felt restricted and uneasy. I didn’t want to go out because “I cannot eat that” or I had to tell myself “it’s ok, I’ll run an extra 30 minutes” or “I’ll skip carbs for dinner”. The battle was endless.

In November 2009, I had lost so much weight, I gave up chips... rice and everything in between for 7 months. I looked great but I wasn’t loving life, I won’t lie. Around that time I had made an Indian outfit for myself, a saree, I was so excited to wear at a friend’s wedding. Fast forward to August 2010, wedding time! I took the saree to wear at my friend’s wedding reception and low and behold the blouse did not fit!! The hooks wouldn’t even come close for me to squeeze myself in! It was off by 3 whole inches. I had let go and come so far off, I couldn't believe it! 🥺

It took a while to realize, it didn’t matter what my goal was, if my relationship with food was negative, I would always be on a “diet”. It was then that I realized that I had to learn to build a positive relationship with food and myself.

Here’s how I did it 👇:

On a final note, food is our friend. If we can learn to enjoy everything within reason, we can be happier and healthier.